The design team at Dovetailed are currently hard at work on further improvements to the nūfood 3D food printer. Not content with the fantastic reception to the product at recent Cambridge Wireless and Mobile World Congress events, the team are striving for even better accuracy and reliability such that consumers who buy the appliance will benefit from
trouble-free operation for many years of creative use.
These improvements, whilst invisible from the outside will be rolled out in the successor to the Damson edition nūfood printer. Later in 2018, around twenty early adopters will be using this new version of nūfood (nu- nūfood?) as part of an early adopter programme. These trail blazers will enable us to gain valuable insight into everyday usage of the product, and to provide us with valuable feedback for further improvement of the product prior to launch. The vision of a nūfood in every kitchen is creeping ever closer!
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